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Mastering complexity and speed

The future will arrive quicker than we are used to. It will be more different from today than we expect. And whatever shape it will take, things will be more interconnected and complex.

We may all be very much aware of this fact. What is a bit more disconcerting is the nature of implications for our organizations and ourselves. How confident are we about our competence in this new world?

Corporate agility

In the shift towards greater agility that is required to deal with the increased complexity and speed, where is the bottleneck? It is not about managing the new strategies and moving targets. Nor is it about adapting structures, process and project management. It has to do with dealing differently with people’s mindset. Because compared to today, most decisions will need to be taken closer to the customer, and further down the hierarchy. This puts a fundamentally different demand on people’s professional maturity and aligned autonomy.

How competitive is your organization in this field?

  • What We Do

    Palladio Trusted Advisers are a small group of professionals dedicated to developing organisations and their leaders in complex and dynamic environments.


  • Contact

    Trusted Advisers
    Bachlettenstrasse 66
    4054 Basel

    +41 78 783 72 44

©2020 Bernhard Sterchi, Palladio Trusted Advisers AG.
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