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My Motto of the Moment

Remember your last New Year’s Resolution? To quit smoking? Spend more time with your family? Finally do something about (insert imbarassing vice here)? The truth is, we often didn’t act on them, because when the moment came to do something, we just happened not to think of our resolution.

It’s the same with many good leadership behaviours. We understand they would improve things. We really want to do something about them. But we cannot plan them, because the next occasion to try them out is unpredictable.

So here’s a trick: Put a small blackboard or something similar somewhere either at work or on your way to work. Write down your Motto of the Moment, so you get reminded of it at least once a day. After some time, choose another motto.

In the comment section there is a collection of mottoes from Palladio customers and friends. Feel free to contribute!

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